copyright sharon borsavage 2009
This is a piece I did for a skinny book project, part of a Zettiology group on flickr, hosted by Jade of
Jade's Funki Junk! Jade is a doll, and a great mixed media and zetty artist. Everyone(about 20 of us), makes an original piece of zetty art, and then ,makes 20 copies and mails them to Jade , and she will be kind enough to put them together and mail a book to everyone! I'm very excited to be involved with all of these terrific artists.
I really had fun with this piece! I can't explain how I enjoy this so much....once I start to play with pieces of collage items, and draw and color, my mind just keeps going, I could go forever, except fatigue usually takes over. It's like dreaming awake for me, a freight train speeding with ideas....I feel powerful, like I am describing something with pictures, my thoughts, my stories, my wild wishes. Like this girl, sometimes I wish I could shove my hand at someone and scream, "this is nonsense"! Sometimes I struggle through daily life fighting depression over the state of our world, and enviroment, and general attitude, I find it hard sometimes to not let that affect my day. Here, I know show you,a bit of my twisted little mind! lol!! For those of you not scared away yet...thank you for being a friend!
collage consists of girls face from, body from collage visions, hand from paper whimsy, bird and nonsense word from artchix, other words and eye from magazine clippings, everthing else hand drawn and cut.