I have decided to participate in this big random act of kindness called ONE WORLD ONE HEART, created by Lisa Swifka of A Whimsical Bohemian. It is a beautiful event meant to bring bloggers together from all over the globe, for the sheer pleasure of kinship, communication, and sharing. A vehicle to get to know one another, and to make new friends. An opportunity to offer a gift of yourself for sharing. I like to think of it as a huge RAK, and I'm all about that! Click on the icon to visit Lisa and to learn more about the event. As my gift, I am giving away this pair of earrings I just made , little birds of a feather stamped on hand cut and forged sterling silver, hanging from jasper, labrodorite, and hill tribe beads, all on handforged earwires of sterling!
Just leave me a nice comment and you are entered to win. That's it! Send your friends over. I'd love to get to know you! The winner will be announced on February 15th.