It's been a while since I made a journal page, but frankly it just wasn't happening. Then it did. As many of you know if you follow my blog, I have been dealing with health issues that have affected my way of thinking. I feel that I am moving past some of the anger that I didn't even realize was anger, and am beginning to accept things better, and try to make things work best for me......a customizing, er, let's say, just some tweeking. Probably a few more tweeks yet, and I might just get to that custom fit.
I made this double spread out of a practice portrait drawing from Suzi Blu's class in Jan. I found my perfect words on some old dress patterns, I just love the color of pattern tissue, and the transparency creates such a mood for me.
I always have a bird with me, or in my thoughts, and I created the texture with Golden's molding paste and some foam stamps impressed in it, then a wash of light color. I have not been feeling like a lot of color these days, lightness, subtlety, and calmness appeal to me....a feeling toward makes me feel comfortable.
Thanks for visiting as always. I deeply appreciate it.