I have fooled around with this blog long enough, and this is as close to getting this how I want it as I can. Lori from Waterstone sent me a link to a great tute about getting your photo to fit your header, but none of the things listed in her tut are listed in my html. I cannot find a size in the header section anywhere, and to verify I am not totally insane, my daughter spent time trying to help me out, and she couldn't find it either, and she rocks with computers. When I was in work I could go to template designer and change the colors of the fonts, at home I cannot get anything to work in the section, and there aren't any pictures of the templates, so I am wondering if this is a Mozilla problem, and maybe I need Internet Explorer, or maybe I really don't know what I am talking about! In any case, it is staying like this for a while, cause I am done wasting time when I want to make jewelry! I am still open to suggestions.