Monday, August 30, 2010


available on etsy here

Everyday I realize more and more how woven together we are. Everyday I realize how my life is interwoven in everything I make, everyone I talk to, everyone I touch somehow, and I am grateful.

As always, thank you.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


" Believe " is my zetti doll I made for a swap, and I am trying to take her advice. To everyone who stops by and reads my blog, and follows my trials and tribulations, some of you know I have been struggling with some health issues, and at this point it is still a mystery. You have all left the sweetest , kindest, and most encouraging words for me, and I am forever grateful.
Yesterday I had a lumbar puncture done (spinal tap). It was a big deal to me, and although it was not easy, and of course I had some complications, it was not as bad as I thought. The mental part of illness is the worst. The way it plays on your mind, and can literally devour you. And even though I don't know anything more than I did yesterday, and may not for some time, I have to try to find a way to fight depression, to try to be motivated, even when I am not. It is hard, and I am sure all of you have to deal with problems of some sort. Tell me how you do it, tell me your method. Maybe we can help each other.
Does darkness(as in nighttime, no daylight), make it worse for you? Do whole foods make it better, all natural, organic, meditation, reading......what is your way? I would love it if you would share with me.
Thank you again for visiting.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


available on etsy here

I'm back from vacation, tired, but happy. Oh, it goes so so fast, but I have been trying to hold the beauty in my mind forever. I have a big medical test tomorrow, and am approaching being a nervous wreck, but I am reminding myself of all the lovely comments you have sent, and the kindness and love that you all share. That, combined with the ocean breeze, and the powerful waves, will carry me through tomorrow.
Some etched earrings here that I made before I left, and the wings remind us always to soar.
Thanks for looking, commenting, and your kindness.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


portland head light

hippie bagel shop....awesome

best old skool eatery

Friday, August 20, 2010

I'm off for a few days to the wonderful world of Maine, the most beautiful place on earth!

I managed to eek out something recently, my first official zetangle bookmark, for a swap. I started it weeks ago, and worked in 10 minute sessions on my lunch hour, to try to stay focused on something. One of the other artist's in the group described this art process as zen like, and peaceful. I have to agree it is a very accurate description, and the process can be addicting.

I want to thank everyone for their extra special comments on wishing me well. I am still working on that, but you all make it so much easier. A huge thank you from the bottom of my heart.....

I send you all...BIG LOVE, from me to you!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Yes, I am still here. The past week has been rough, dealing with health issues, and big feelings of confusion. I have been trying hard to focus, but focus has not been cooperating.

Thought I would share some earrings that I sold on Sunday to the jewelry store. I wish I had made doubles, and probably will make something similar for myself soon. Thanks for taking a peek and visiting. I truly appreciate your friendship.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


(click on the photos for a closer look)

Our group is holding a postage stamp journal swap. These are 2"x 3"pieces and each front and back has to have a postage stamp on it and then some sort of text on the page. This was really interesting, and I was blessed to have received some beautiful stamps from some of my international friends in some of their goodie bags from other swaps. your used postage stamps, you never know when they will come in handy!

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, and as always, thank you so much for visiting.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Just a quick hello and a big thank you to everyone stopping by and leaving such wonderful comments! I appreciate it all so much. I am still working very hard for Sunday, so here is another piece that may show up on etsy next week, if I can part with it. I love that heart by Nan so much!

bone beads, faceted cat's eye, vinatge button, etched copper by me , sari silk, and ceramic round blue bead by LeAnn of Summer Studio, heart and large ceramic bead by Nan of Spirit Rattles.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


This is what I made this weekend, a new journal page. I have been working on jewelry so much, I really felt I had to do this, and felt so much better afterwards. Guess I got my FIX for a couple days! I started by gluing random torn pieces of text, sheet music, and vintage dictionary pages. After it dried I coated it with a light coat of gesso. Then I used matte medium to adhere tissue paper and sewing pattern pieces over that. Then I glued my images, and rubbed a layer of titan buff and raw umber over certain areas. For the scroll work above her head I impressed a foam stamp into golden molding paste, let it dry, and highlighted it with raw umber. I'm really happy with the way it turned out, the texture is wonderful, and the text showing thru ads a great depth.
Ahhhhh, I wish I could play all day long!

Happy week ahead everyone, and thank you as always for being so kind to visit!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


A new piece I made to take to the shop next weekend, but I think it may be a keeper. I ordered this heart in hand from Spirited Earth's shop, and it was love at first site. I paired it up with one off my new etchings, and some of my favorite "stashed " beads. The necklace represents stages to me, of darkness, struggle, understanding, faith, and light.

(there are wonderful beads in here also by LeAnn of Summers Studio, Gaea of Gaeas Beads, and polymer clay by Doreen of Backyard Beads)

Thank you for stopping by and visiting.

Good wishes for the weekend my friends!


Just had to share these beauties before they are a memory! I love to go and look at them at night and see such wonderful variations ...all from one little pack of seeds. Remember, that is all it takes is to plant the seed...and I will leave you at that!

Happy Thursday! (almost Friday!)

Monday, August 2, 2010


Again, I am under the gun and really pressed to get a lot of things done in a short time. I thought this business was over and was all last week, but this week is not looking any better. The jewelry store that buys a lot of my jewelry is asking for more, so I have to get chopping, no complaints though! I am loving that I have so many ideas that I can't seem to keep up with them these days, so I'll show you some more earrings I made recently. I know, I know, I just can't stay away from the blue green, so I made myself do something in red to counter balance, and I actually was happy with them, but I really think they have to be oxidized .
These earrings symbolize connecting wires as power and strength, in life and friendship. Thank you all my friends for connecting with me.


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