In my continuing obsession with wire, and my longtime struggle to incorporate some fiber in my work, I created this. Not so super sure I liked it at first, but definitely liked a lot about it, so I reworked a few times till I was content. Then I had to leave it for a few days and come back and it is growing on me. I really liked LeAnn's button with it, I thought it helped fit the earthy character of the piece and to anchor the colors. In any event, I am not done twisted wire!
Hey Sharon...I really like it! It's different and dramatic, but delicate. Love the color of the beads.
Oh Sharon! It is stunning! Just stunning!
Thanks Deryn and Kristen for your kind words!
Hey Sharon,
twist and shout! It really is a different twist (pardon the pun) on the original idea. Turned out beautifully.
Amazing, you are so talented!
I tend to like twisty, gnarly things Renate!
Thank you Renate and Marbella Designs!
Sharon, this piece is so sculptural. I love how you incorporated the fiber. It's like it all just grew together. Beautiful.
Thanks LeAnn, your button was perfect!
It is gorgeous!
P.S. You have mail :)
very amazing... and marvelous swap with anne!!
kisskiss!! ( i put a translator on my blog.. héhéhé!!)
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