Hey friends....Mabel is coming to life, or developing a life of her own! I just signed up for Jane
DesRosier's online class "How I Paint A Woman's Face". I'm so excited, and she is such an amazing artist. I am really looking forward to developing some better skills in painting faces and hopefully be able to use that in my ongoing mixed media pieces, which I have plenty of ideas for!! The image above is a linocut that I learned from a free tutorial Jane offers on her website, which I think is very generous of her, so I just had to try it......and I absolutely loved doing it, and the way it turned out! Sure, there are things I might have done differently, but I still like it. I thought I would show you the rubber thing that you carve your image out of...You can buy it at Michaels or a craft store. So this is what's on my worktable, next to some more ATC's I started and a list a mile long of ideas, and oh, some possible new jewelry links in the prototype stage! I made sure I made myself a happy Monday!! Hope yours was too!
Sharon, this is wonderful! You are a real bundle of talent, so amazing!! I am so looking forward to seeing the works from your long list!!
Have a wonderful day!!
Can't wait to see all your new goodies!
Wow! It looks great! I can't wait to see what other designs you have. Very creative!
Your carving and print came out nice!
Mabel looks great! I love the curvy lines - it'll be a beautiful print! Thanks for sharing!
oh, wow, that is fantastic! definitely makes me want to give it a try. will email you soon. =)
Sharon, I'm glad to hear you had a good Monday! :-) Your linocut is so cool...look at all of the new things I'm learning from you already! I'd like to check it out as well..I'll visit her site. I love how you made this bird stamp. Looking forward to seeing what you're up to next, my friend.
Thank you Renate, Cristi, Leslie, Cat, Cindy G., Jen, and Cindy W!! Thanks for your interest in non jewelry related things! I need to always keep exploring, I need to learn new things, or try, I need to be creative and I have to change it up sometimes so I can keep it fresh . I think by working in other mediums sometimes it gives me a new way to approach my jewelry, or a new way of thinking. Plus I'm a Gemini so I get bored quickly, and like so many things!! It does cause a big mess in my house with all this stuff sometimes though!! Oh well!!
stunting!! you have tro continue!!! it's so exiting to see what you are abble to do..!!! more more more!!
wow! Love the design...so sweet.
Lovely work! Very unique.
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