Yes, I will show the bad, and not always the good. I decided to show what I think is an error, or not one of my best attempts at an ATC, but an attempt. I'm hoping I can learn from this experience. Of course, when I started this, I thought I had a good idea of what I wanted this to look like, but it didn't turn out like that at all. I like everything about it except the lady, which is supposed to be the focal, but is very distracting . I would like her to stand out more, but I don't work in photoshop, I really like to paint, color, draw, the physical application of it.....the movement in my body like making a mark makes me feel good! I really like the way markers look and make things pop, but sometimes they are just too too strong and neon looking. I'm not quite sure how to do what I want to do....... Now that I'm writing this and looking at it at the same time, I'm considering replacing the woman altogether with another figure of some kind, and use her in another piece. Just writing this post is changing things for me. I have much more reading to do on techniques, but probably more importantly I just need to keep making. One thing I will not do is get rid of it. When I was in college, my early years....I hated a lot of what I made, hence, throwing it all away....and subsequent memory flashes of the past have made me regret doing that. Sometimes it's just a bad day that makes me see things in a bad way... it was not really really bad, but kinda crappy, things breaking, day job sucks, money issues, and just everyone in the house getting on each other's nerves. Sometimes, like now, just talking to all of you makes it easier to step aside, take a look from a distance, and try again to work it out.
Gee Sharon, I keep looking at this one and thinking I wouldn't change it! I think the lady fits in perfectly with the curves and scrolls! What an entirely different look from your others. How would you remove her(is she glued on somehow?). I'm glad we're of help when you're having a down day...we're always here for you! {hugs!}
I can see what you mean about the lady standing out. I think that's caused by the pink surrounding her. It's brighter than the pastel peaches of the flowers in the background. But I really do love it. She does stand out and I think that's a good thing. I wouldn't change it at all and I'd be very happy if I created it!
All things considered, Sharon, not a bad try at an ATC at all! The background is lovely, and I loke the way the lady is positioned behind the flowers. The little dots aren't bad either. I'd add a bit of the pink somewhere in the flowers to balance that color a bit. Other than that . . . good work! Hugs, Terri xoxo
Sometimes mistakes turn out to be blessings:) I wouldn't change a thing. She's the perfect cross between hip and vintage!
Sharon, I understand completely the impulse to discard. I've done it far too often myself. Now I just set aside and come back later, sometimes months, sometimes a year. I actually, quite like the lady and I love the background you've built up. I don't photoshop either because, like you, I like the process of actually physically manipulating things (not that I've time do much lately). I think that Faber Castell might make something like a 'water colour' marker. Anyway, I remember from a few years ago when I was between kilns and making books that I found a marker that wasn't so intense that I used to hand tint line drawings. If I remember what they are I'll let you know. BTW I love what you are doing with the ATCs!
Thank you all!! And you all have some great suggestions, things I didn't even consider! I know I can count on my friends!
Hi! First, I love your ATC lady! It's very Anahata Katkin! Are you familiar with her work? It's got some Teesha Moore too! And, with every piece I make, once it is "done" and on the computer and I look at it a bit longer after the excitement of finishing something is over, I could find lots of things wrong with it. So, don't torture yourself doing that. It sucks all the fun out! I love your lady! The only thing, now that you have pointed out that you would like it to be a focal point, I would make her a bit larger next time and leave every thing else the same.
Okay, regarding your question . . . yeah, it took a few days for me too. I think she is just very busy (may have another job too?). She's probably like me. I get so behind on all of the correspondence/blogging part of this life despite my genuine attempts! hee hee I'd go ahead and make something - she'll have you send a pic of it an email so she can upload it into the prize stash and then I mailed my piece to her a few days later - her addy is on the side of her blog. Can't wait to see what you make!
I actually like the piece as is, but if I were going to be extra, extra picky, I would say either add a touch of that pink elsewhere in the piece to tie things together or just tone the pink down or remove a couple of the "fringe-y" pieces of the lady's hair.
Hi Kiddo,
As my experience with ATCs is less then what it takes to walk and talk at the same time, I sure can't critique your in my oppinion excellent card!! :) But like LeAnn maybe watercolor markers could be what you are looking for. I really like using them because even without any kind of painting training I can blend and shade with them. :)
Ahhhh nothing like a learning experience!
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
qharito!! you are too severe with yourself!!! maybe you could just put some distress ink to alter this atc.. and give it a rusty look!! try!! you will see.. it is not an error.. just something unusal for you.. but maybe a new style!!
Thanks to all my wonderful friends and their expertise AND for always making me feel better! Sometimes I really do need help!
I think it's terrific - we're our own worst critics to be sure. Really, though, it's very appealing.
Thanks for showing us, and especially for the discard reminder. I have memories of prototypes and samples that I could use now if for nothing else than reference. Be well!
I commend you on this post and sharing your trials and tribulations of the struggle we as artists encounter more often than not. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said time and perspective can change your opinon on a piece of art. There are times when I absolutely have to put a piece away so I am not tempted to scrap it as an immediate result. It is amazing what you can see when you have not looked at the art in question for a while.
I like to work with bright colors in my mixed media work. When I punch up a gal with paint and markers I will use a flesh colored marker to add a bit of color to her face so the contrast between the vintage image and alterations are not so stark. Also, you can add a light wash of burnt or raw umber paint to the background and embellishments, which will create unify the piece.
I do hope you keep us all posted on the piece!
Hi Sharon, after reading all those comments, i'm sure you have now to be less severe with yourself.
I am not a specialist of ATC's but a specialist of throwing everything away when i think it's bad ! as you are. Experience said me to be more patient, and to take distance from what i am doing.
One thing i do now, is to take my apn and shoot THE BAD WORK, so, i instantaneously see what is wrong.
But you are an artist, and a great one. Sacha Guitry, one of our famous theater writer, called that moments of toubt, "TALENT"...
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