I am always working on something, and this one I just got started . It is a book of tags, of course it would have to have a theme, and this one is birds, with pointy hats and words! It is for a swap, we create the little folded book out of a double sided scrapbook paper, and then create 8 tags to fit in. For the swap we keep our own book, but the tags get swapped out. So far I only have three done, but I have a few more tricks up my sleeve! The size of the book and tags is approx. 3"x4". Besides this I have about 8 different other projects going. Sometimes I think I am crazy, but I seem to NEED the next thing in line so my brain keeps going. Feeding off of work and chaos sometimes is exhilarating, but sometimes it's a crash and burn scenario too! Does anyone else have that problem? The subconcious fear that slacking will lead to failure somehow? Please share!!
This is a beautiful blog. Your tags are amazing. Do you keep an idea board? I have a big white board in my office with lots of colored dry erase markers...I am always writing on it...adding to it...it feels like my insurance against crash and burn with projects and thoughts.
Your book and tags are amazing. Don't know how you manage to get all your projects done! Love the idea of the book for the swap tags. Congrats on the giveaway you won...
I am definitely in a perpetual crash-and-burn-and-soar cycle. I spent tonight making a custom pair of surprise earrings, another to match a necklace I made for someone, preparing my bracelet to be sent to my latest winner, making one of two entries for the ABS challenge, catching up on blogs, writing instructions for a piece for publication, planning to enter a few contests, ordering from someone overseas, planning my daughter's bday party for Sat, making goodie bags, and.... could there be anything else? I do feel the need to do that every once in awhile and then I crash, and then I don't want to do anything for awhile. I thrive in chaos, and I know that I work pretty well under pressure. Procrastination is my middle name. I often wonder what it would be like to have daylight hours to create. Would I be disciplined? Would I get anything done? I would like that opportunity. Because all this crashing-and-burning is really taking its toll on me.
Great thought provoking question, Sharon!
You amaze me with your varied talents. I love these mixed media pieces. I think that you would be fun to play with. Too bad you don't live closer :-)
Enjoy the day, Sharon!
What a wonderful idea for a swap!! You amaze me, Sharon! While I do have a lot of ideas bumping around in my head and I seem to have my best inspirations under some pressure - I don't want too much of it, otherwise I can't really concentrate on what I'm doing... how's that for "well mixed"?
Love love love the book and tags, the birds are sooo cute. And yes, I know the crash and burn feeling very well :-) Spend half my life moaning about lack of time and yet I only seem to be happy when I am traveling at 90 miles an hour!
Oh its so good to see others are as bad as I am with the crash and burn lifestyle, I seem to work best under pressure and no matter how much I tell myself I won't and plan well in advance my procastinating habits get the better of me everytime.
I love those tags and thats a cool swap idea to be involved in.
Beautiful, beautiful work! I just love what you do!!!
Sharon, I love birds and yours in particular. Yes, I too have this fear that the well will run dry if I slow down too much. And the new ideas do seem to come best when I am working on something else. I have this conversation often with an artist friend. But I often use working creatively as personal therapy so I think its OK to have the next idea ready to go. Its OK to just give yourself permission to use your creative expression however often the mood strikes.
Thank you everyone, and for confirming my sanity!
You've just asked a question for the ages, Sharon! I'm always worried that the creative well will run dry, but have come to recognize it as part of the process (so to speak). I DO need to know what's ahead, and I usually start thinking about the next project while working on the current one.
BTW - the little tag book is darling! What a wonderful idea! Hugs, Terri xoxo
I just love them! Your well is bottomless...
i am always amazed at all your wonderful work, just beautiful.
i'm a procrastinator and i hate it. i'm always asking, why do i do this to myself? i'll never learn :\
Oh yes, I, too, am a member of the Crash and Burn Society...I am truly an adrenalin junkie. Multi-tasking is my standard of operation for most of the time....but there are so many things to create, so many things to see, to do, to experience in this short life. I try to embrace every moment. I constantly work at putting some sort of balance into my life. Your tags are great. Don't you just love Character Construction stamps? my favorite.
You know I'm a kindred spirit in this lifestyle! But I could never take on 8 projects...I get a little stressed with just a few on my plate. I agree with that need to be constantly juggling too many things.... sounds like so many of us are like that! This swap is really amazing... I love your birds! Your work just keeps getting more incredible!
Sharon, you are so sweet leaving such a kind and warm comment for me. Thank you. I love these tags. And yes, you are not crazy. Why is it we all feel we have to keep the brain occupied or it will wither? I am finally learning that it is the quiet moments that allow the brain to replenish! I took that journaling class Stephanie Lee offered, and it taught me a lot about that. So happy creating!
Love those tags Sharon!
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