Lately I have been dealing with a tiny internal fued . I love the fact that after many years of non art, I have found myself again, and can't even express to you how creating art in different mediums has changed my life. I enjoy exchanging with so many people, getting to meet people from all over the world,and bits of their life also, and to see that we are all so much alike. BUT, I do so many swaps that I have come to miss the creation just for me...just to play, just to let it happen. I made a few atc's the other night for a exchange. I realized how much I missed making these as I did in the beginning...just to make them. So this was one I made just to create, and as it turns out, it told quite a story .
Something to think about.
Thanks for visiting and I wish for everyone a beautiful week of creating!
Awwh, Ms Sweet Sharon, I do so much production work it makes my head spin sometimes.I too am returning to my creative side and sometimes it is hard to balance the creative vs the production. I think maybe swaps can become something like production. So I think maybe you should think about some of your own self defined creative challenges. Opinions please? Well there you have mine. The thing I have most enjoyed lately of your work is how you've combined your jewelry design (beautiful) with your mixed media design (also beautiful). You know? your work is wonderful across media. Such a gift. Hugs, LeAnn
I think swaps are a creative challenge and a good thing - if you leave yourself enough space/time to just also create for the sake of creating. Just to please your muse. And yourself.
Love this ATC!!!
I agree--you have to create for yourself first--just for the joy of it, whatever it may be. Thanks so much for the info on the resin. I assume if I go to Lisa P.'s site there'll be info there--right?
Morning Sharon,
I love this ATC and love the fact that you made it just for you.
I do know what you mean about feeling like being on a bit of a treadmil sometimes, creating for others instead of ourselves.
Earlier this year I made the conscious decision to cut back on 'must make a card for him' and 'must make a card for her' so that I now have more time to be creative for me, hense the Art Journal Calendar and my first Art Journal.
I know my boys will treasure the things I am now making for me, when I'm no longer here so it was a good decision I think.
In our own time we need to do what makes us happy, after all, and not what causes stress and pressure - so keep creating for yourself.
Lesley x
I'm with LeAnn on this one. Set aside more time to play. Your work is beautiful and narrative. But playing in the studio with no intent for others to see it is its own reward.
I really like this piece. I also had to back off on the swaps and try to figure out what I really want to create for me and just play.
Hello Sharon...your new ATC is beautiful... I like how the owl and the lady seem to be sharing the same "hat". :-) I know for myself I finally have a lull from any "obligations" or deadlines and it feels really good and I feel free! I agree with LeAnn and Barbara..that sometimes participating in so many swaps can feel like production work. I felt that way for a while with the few charm swaps that I participated in!
hmmm, sharon! it is good to think about these things and pay attention to what you are feeling. I too, do a lot of art swaps and exchanges. But when I choose which ones to engage in, I pick swaps that really interest me with ideas i like or might come up with myself. When I create for these exchanges, I almost always make an extra or two: one for myself to keep and one or more for a friend or two.
I know i would not create as much art as I do if it were not for these exchanges. They help me to hone my skills by challenging me and keep me creative. As I am working along doing these swaps i also find myself with ideas for my own art while i am being creative with these other things. Sometimes just looking through materials for art exchanges, I often get inspired by things i come across and end up doing something totally non-swap related!
Sorry for this long response but you really grabbed my attention with this post! I think you need to listen to your feelings and make sure you also create personal art. What about a weekly commitment to a personal art journal or personal ATC? Don't join so many art exchanges that you don't have time to make art for yourself as I think you are finding it does not satisfy you. In the meantime, keep those creative engines burning with the themes & deadlines you do have!!
xo lenna
I am with you on this one Sharon! It has been ages since I made something solely for me. I am participating in so many challenges and contests and doing so many custom orders that I don't really have the time to explore and create where I want to go. But I keep on. Because I know that I am getting stronger and defining my vision with each piece I create whether it is solely for the act of creating or for someone's wish. Thanks for the thought provoking question. Enjoy the day! Erin
Sharon, it is all about maintaining the balance, something you already know but sometimes we need a reminder. The hand and heart need to create on their own sometimes.
The ATC is wonderful!
I think you really touched a nerve with this post, Sharon. So many of us get caught up in swaps and deadlines and there's very little time left for real studio "playtime". I've learned to limit my swaps and challenges, because I NEED "playtime" just for the sake of enjoyment. Hugs, Terri xoxo
How very true and important it is to create for ourselves. Our art is an expression of who we are. Bravo! Great ATC!
love this atc!! and love swaps too.. i'm happy.. héhéhéhé
I so get what you are saying I find the same thing is happening as i try to create to fill my blogshop, I just have to find a balance I suppose, and that is what I am working on at this time.
Following many years of working in deadline oriented work, I made a choice when I started to pursue my art full time that I would limit the number of swaps I did. I really enjoy the swaps I do and I learn so much from the work I receive. BUT I make sure to give myself time to "play" and experiment with new ideas. Really important to take time for yourself!
Hi Sharon,
Very cool ATC, and I love your resin necklace. I have always noticed that you do a ton of swaps, and wondered how you did it! But they are so much fun! I am amazed at all that you get done, I wish I got done just a tiny fraction of what you do!
Wonderful deep piece Sharon.
I agree making art for art and play sake is important and fun!
Know where you are coming from. On the one hand I like the focus that a themed swap offers BUT they can take over if you are not careful. I'm cutting down on entering swaps for that reason. Have fun just playing/making stuff for you.
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