Still working hard for the weekend, but I thought I would show you a quick peek at one of my new pieces. Huge apologies for the poor photo qualities, but this was spur of the moment and I didn't bring out my lighting equipment. I promise next time I will do LeAnn better justice!! The beautiful pendant featured here is by the good
LeAnn of Summer's Studio. I think it speaks volumes for itself. I just dressed it up a bit with some goldish pearls and blue opals, amazonite, and a wonderful little find of the perfect shell from my collection.
Thanks for taking a peek, and here is wishing everyone a great week!
Awesome Sharon, love the necklace and LeAnn's pendant.
Love it, Sharito. I do hope you are going to take pictures of all the pieces you have been working on - why not take some photos out in your garden?...
Recognized LeAnn's beautiful focal right away...another pretty Livewire creation! Good luck preparing for your trunk show...it will all be worth it once you are there and enjoying all of the oohs and aahs over your jewelry. :-)
Its Beautiful
It's gorgeous! Awesome pendant - I love how you put it all together:)
Such a lovely creation! Whimsical and textural. I recognized LeAnn work right away, a wonderful use of her talents.
Well done Miss Sharon!
Another stunning creation, Sharon. I'm running out of superlatives! That little shell adds a ton of interest and an element of surprise. Very organic. Hugs, Terri xoxo
This new one is so so beautiful Sharito, and the focal piece by Le Ann is simply gorgeous. Great work !
Gorgeous, Sharon! Love the shell and pearls theme in it. Ocean without being over the top ocean if you know what I mean. Lovely.
Beautiful necklace!
i love how you took that piece of leann's and supported it... it stands out for its own beauty, yet wouldn't be the same without that beautiful design... sometimes less is more!
Hi Sharon, you new piece is awesome. I love, love it.
Beautifully put together. I always look forward to seeing what you create.
Lesley x
You have done a marvelous job with Leann's pendant! The colors and the bead textures you have chosen could not be more perfect.
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