Yesterday I had a lumbar puncture done (spinal tap). It was a big deal to me, and although it was not easy, and of course I had some complications, it was not as bad as I thought. The mental part of illness is the worst. The way it plays on your mind, and can literally devour you. And even though I don't know anything more than I did yesterday, and may not for some time, I have to try to find a way to function.....to fight depression, to try to be motivated, even when I am not. It is hard, and I am sure all of you have to deal with problems of some sort. Tell me how you do it, tell me your method. Maybe we can help each other.
Does darkness(as in nighttime, no daylight), make it worse for you? Do whole foods make it better, all natural, organic, meditation, reading......what is your way? I would love it if you would share with me.
Thank you again for visiting.

Can´t give you advices, but I get my lost motivation back for instance by visiting a fleamarket and finding new materials - as yesterday :)
Love your zetti-girl!
Keep making your wonderful art!
sorry to hear you are still dealing with health issues..
i am a terrible fretter..so anything that will keep my mind occupied helps.
day is always easier than night cause there are so many distractions..
Oh Sharon, so sorry to hear that you still have to fight with health issues. I hope you'll feel better soon and someone can tell you what you are dealing with.
Blessings - Stefanie
Sharon, sigue diseƱando, inventando, creando... viviendo con la ilusion del arte. En mis momentos dificiles yo leo, leo y sigo leyendo... fantasias que me alejan de la constante realidad que puedo estar viviendo.A hug filled with strength!
Yikes Sharon I hate the thought of anything going in my spine. How scary for you. Keep us posted. Glad the ordeal is behind you and hope the results show info you need and it is something minor that can be fixed easily
I hope you are taking it easy today. I have had a lumbar puncture so I know that it is not a pleasant experience. You must have so much floating about in your mind...take time for yourself, I am thinking of you.
TO: You
DATE: Today
Subject: Yourself
Reference: Life
This is God. Today I will be handling all of your problems for you. I do not need your help. So have a nice day. I love you. And, remember…if life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do NOT attempt to resolve it yourself! Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. I will get to it in MY TIME. All situations will be resolved, but in My time, not yours. Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now. Should you decide to send this to a friend; thank you. You may have touched their life in ways you will never know.
Now you have a nice day.
I'm so sorry that you had to undergo such a difficult test, Sharon. At least it's behind you and hopefully it will provide the answers you need to be well.
I was touched by Whimsey Creations post. Sooooo true and sooooo beautiful. Sometimes the most difficult thing to do is trust where we are being led.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. And, BTW - Friends and laughter help me tremendously. When I get down, I remember a friend that I met years ago. She was a breast cancer survivor and had a double mastectomy. When I told her that I was so sorry to hear about her ordeal and loss, she said, "That's OK! So I won't have a career as a topless dancer!" and she laughed like hell. God puts people in your life for reasons. Every time I think of her wonderful attitude, I smile and thank the Good Lord for my blessings. Makes me feel better every time. Love YOU!!! Terri xoxo
Thank you so much everyone! Knowing that you are all there is tremendous comfort.
wow Sharon!! you have a message from God!!i'm so sorry about all i've read here...i can just hope that you will find your way.. only you can control your mind, but you know that we think and pray for you.. !! BELIEVE !!
Oh you poor thing. I've had six LPs and have them every six months or so. I know how you feel/felt. Please get better!
On a happier note, I love the art, and the enigmatic look on her face.
oh my dear ... that you can express yourself and get some of the pain and anxiety "out" is such a good thing ... the mind is very powerful and takes us on many roller coaster rides ... I find mantras helpful ... a few words ... short and sweet ... when the heavy thoughts barge in ... your mantra (or mantras) can help shift your thinking ... one of my favorites is:
I am bountiful
beautiful and blissful
and another
I am vital
healthy and balanced
it certainly is easier to give out advice ... following it myself ... well you know that is another matter :)
deep deep breaths dear one
many of us are beaming healing vibes to you ... thank you for sharing Sharon
OK I will end with my favorite blessing which seems to fit so many situations
May the long time sun shine
upon you
All Love surround you
and the pure Light within you
Guide your way on
I can empathize with you I deal with fibromalgia and as I get older I am turning 51 this year and have always been a very active person it has not been an easy road but I made the choice to be a better person to be happy and to reach out to other people who needed a hug when it was to painful to give one to give words of encouragement when I did'nt hear them it made me stop thinking about my own pain by helping other people deal with the pain and sorrows in thier own lives. I don't know if this will help it helps me. And i will keep you inmy prayers you sound like a wonderful person and I love your work! May God Bless and keep you ! Peace :)
Deb G.
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