Pink is a funny color to me. I have a love/hate relationship with it. It goes in phases, and I think spring, or the lack of it here, is enticing me to try to pull a pretty color that exists in my brain, and make something pretty to wear. Spring is a season I call pretty. When I made these, I immediately felt a very peaceful and light floating feeling. That's what makes the color work for me. Also the combination with the rustic copper to me makes it perfect.
Hope you've enjoyed my crazy mind workings and ramblings! I love hearing from all of you! Thanks so much for visiting!

Just enchanting! Like a mild breeze through the tulips....
Love the color Sharon! These are beautiful!
beautiful sharon!! those briolettes are perfect with the little resined focal!!
so nice.i like them very much.
Wow, it's so fabulous and mind blowing.I love it which is so inspiring and mind blowing too.Lovely jewelries with piercing color.
Sharon, these are simply WONDERFUL! I love the resined focals and indeed the copper looks just great! Maybe spring is nearer? :)))
Lots of love,
Sanda xoxo
They are pretty - I like that shade of pink, a little darker.
Hi sweet, I love your "crazy mind" ramblings, alwayes makes me -think -and smile- and this rambling is all about the same feelings I have , exept for the pink-that I like very much-as long as it is not dark screeming...
They are beautifull, dear Sharon.
Hugs, Dorthe
wow sharon....those are awesome! i love 'em!
Oh Sharon, they scream SPRING! And I do hope, that spring eventually comes to your place to. Right now we have sunny and warm weather around here. Much needed after this long winter...
I too have a hard time with pink but it seems that when it's paired with something dark and rustic as you have done it really works. These came out really nice.
Looks like someone placed some pink spam in the middle of your comments! I promise I won't visit Kesaven Gupta's blogs!
xoxo KIm
my first thought was ooo pink...Sharon doesn't use that too often AND I LOVE IT!!!
these are so graceful and lovely and do speak of Spring and nature and beauty!
Very pretty!
Crazy minds are the best minds . . i'm just sayin
Fabulous - AND the BREATHE ones too. I really like the blue.
They are so pretty! Love the color...even though I know what you mean about pink!
Sharon, I happen to love pink and I think these earrings are really beautiful. Love the resin work and the dangles - you really know how to create with such a wide range of techniques.
Wow, lovely earring which is so fabulous with its attractive look and color.I love those pretty earrings.
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