I have had Kelly Rae Roberts book "Taking Flight" for about 2 years now. I love it, and look at it all the time. I pick it up, put it down, over and over, for days, then I forget about it, or subconciously put it out of my mind. I don't like to answer the questions in it, I don't like to write....never will. I like to express in the form of art. Tonight the planets aligned and I just did it., but of course had to put my own twist on it. I had to do the butterfly wings just because I love the pattern and the color. I had to add the vintage rhinestones for her necklace. And to tell you the truth, I was probably prompted to do this entire project because I just kept thinking of adding those gorgeous vintage buttons.
So I really enjoyed this and I love the transparent effect that Kelly shows in her book, I love the layering and knowing there is vintage paper underneath. Of course I am my own worst critic, and wasn't super happy with the face.....it is what it is. I also think I went to far with the markings in the background....I have a tendency of never knowing when to stop. The most important thing is that I have sparked something in me and I have many ideas for more. I hope I do them. I have been very depressed, and am trying to work through it. I am hoping this helps. This did make me happy.
I would love to know what you think. Thank you for visiting and all your comments I look forward to.
O M G !!!
This is an outstanding canvas.
So wonderful design Sharon. Very inspiring. Love it.
Sharon, your work is beautiful. I have Kelly Rae's book as well (who doesn't?) :-) and enjoy perusing the pages from time to time just to admire the beauty. I think the face on your lady is perfect. Your artistic talent always shines through whether it's with beads, fabric, or paint.
i'm sorry to hear you have been depressed. i'm so glad making this made you happy. it is very beautiful. the colors, layers, face, embellishments and the text really touch me. i think this piece has "soul" if you know what i mean.
There is nothing to critic on this canvas - I love the texture and the transparency and the colours... wonderful work, Sharito. Hope this work will help to make you feel better...
It's fabulous I love it.
She makes me happy too!!!
This is a WONDERFUL piece of mixed media art and you should be PROUD!!! I just love the layers and the transparency. I don't think you've overworked the background and her face is just lovely and fits her surroundings. I know what you mean about not knowing when to stop....that's me all over too!
FABULOUS!!!! Do more!!!!
Sharon, this is BEAUTIFUL! I love all of the layering and how it's wrapped around the canvas AND the face. Just lovely.
Creating is very therapeutic, as I'm sure you are aware. Keep creating - you're a natural. Hope you're feeling better.
you are right - you are your own worst critic - because it's absolutely amazing! i personally love her face!!
Wow, Sharon, so many transparent layers and your inclusion of the rhinestones and buttons, your stamp on it.
Moving through your art in a meditative way to find happiness returnong is so wonderful. I know I would be lost without my creative energy. xox Corrine
Actually, Sharon, the first thing I was drawn to in this piece was the face and the look of quiet contemplation. The second thing I saw was the transparentcy, the layers and layers. That's a lot like how life unfolds, isn't it? I think this is a wonderful way to 'journal' without words. Not everything we feel can or should be put into words. Thinking of you and sending hugs.
Sharon, this is soooooooooooooo beautiful!!! You are mega talented my friend!
Sharon, this is so lovely! Your talent never ceases to amaze me...love the addition of the buttons and rhinestones :)
This turned out wonderful and so full of interest. Love the vintage buttons and I have a ton of them. Very inspiring.
It is truly beautiful,dear Sharon!!
Love it.TFS.Have a wonderful weekend.
Sending hugs,
I have the same feeling with that book. I pick it up and keep up with it for awhile and then set it down someplace lost for a time. I love this art and find that it is so powerful, the layers the images, the symbols. So uniquely you!
Enjoy the day!
Dearest Sharon,-
what an amazing piece - I so love it,- all the layers of beauty within the woman- and her, looking inside herself- I see the grey shaddow on her right side, but she is full of light ,and power,- and so beautiful with her buttons and jewlery necklace.
Love you, dear.
Sharon, This is beautiful! I love everything about her, especially the butterfly wings! To me her face "fits" the canvas style, she seems to be quietly pondering, at peace with her thoughts!
Oh this is realy nice.. nice :)
Hello, Sharon
I think that everything is perfect here: composition, color selection, the effect of transparency. Particularly impresses me the face of this lady and her amazing figure. I also love all the details of this work. Great appreciation for your talent and sensitivity. I cordially greet, Małgosia
Very beautiful! She has a wistful expression on her face that I really love .... And the addition of 3d elements really brings it together. I love the vintage buttons.
wow...that's really well done. Kelly would be proud!
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