I spent the weekend making this necklace, and feeling very connected to my spiritaul self, and it made me feel good. I do not usually work in brass tones, but it just felt right, with the iconic image and the old world feel. I was in Michaels recently and happened upon
Nunn Design's new line they are carrying called Adorned. I fell in love with a lot of the offerings, and used some of them here, including the great flower petal type element, this fantastic large and small chain, and the adorable sparkly headpins. The rest of the necklace is capped yellow jade and jasper nuggets.
It's available in my shop here.Thanks again for looking and all your wonderful comments I look forward to so much!
Remember, I am still offering 20%off in my shop, and you can still enter my giveaway by clicking
It is amazing at all the wonderful components out there. Your necklace is beautiful and soulful.
So so beautiful necklace again Sharon.
Amazing work. Love it.
This is beautiful, Sharito! Love your focal element with the 'flowery' dangle beneath. Spiritual and grounded - so very you - earth and sky, once again.
Hello Sharon,
gorgeous necklace! I am delighted once again seeing your works!
Have a nice week, Małgosia
Beautiful Sharon!
Lovely work . Thanks for the links.lovely components in your necklace.
That's a wonderful focal and I love that chain. So good when you can connect feeling your spirituality with your creativity.
Another stunning piece, Sharon! I love the way your jewelry keeps evolving to reflect your spirit's needs.
Thank you for all of your warm wishes! It's so good to be back on-line. I'm not good at handling Matrix deprivation and I'll never take heat and light for granted again! ♥Hugs, Terri xoxo
Dear Sharon, your necklace is a most gorgeous art jewlery, I love the flower piece with the madonna above,and the beautiful stones.
You created such beauty again, dear friend.
Hugs and love, Dorthe
just beautiful and I can feel the connection.... xo
So lovely Sharon!! Phew..I have been so busy lately and I am so relieved to see that I have not missed your giveaway!!I'm off to check it out!! I'm sure its amazing!!Hugs,Cat
What a thrill to see this and be able to recognize some of the pieces. Thanks so much for playing! I LOVE this necklace and the other pieces you have created!
Becky Nunn
Really beautiful Sharon. I love how the chrystal stone comes out of the petals and the face, so soothing and caring. xox Corrine
Beautiful Sharon! I love the flower component, and the touch of red really makes it pop! You're right the brass tone looks great!
Lovely piece; your work is so amazing and as a rookie jewelry designer I find your designs to be truly inspirational. I actually highlighted a few of your pieces on my blog; check it out: http://antoinettesboxofjewels.blogspot.com/2011/11/livewire-jewelry.html
A master piece!! it will be sold quickly!!
Absolutely beautiful,dear Sharon!Have a great week.
This is way cool! Great work (as always!)
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