If you have ever worked with one of Lynn Davis's creations, than you know that it is not work at all, but pure delight to finish a story that Lynn started! Her pieces are exceptional, incredibly detailed. You can feel the intensity that went into to creating the piece, and your job of making the jewelry to enhance it just flows, at least it does for me. I fell in love with these fabulous wings, and this is what they said!! I think Lynn is a fabulous storyteller, on her blog and through her creations. I can look at a number of her pieces and see my stories already, just waiting to come out. I feel enhanced by her creativity! I have also found out that when I start these projects, I usually land up telling "MY" same story, just in a differnet format everytime, but the message is usually the same. I think it's obvious, but do you see something I don't?
What a creative piece, I just love it! The earrings are awesome too.
Sharon, that is a really great piece. The wire wrapped wings with the little crystals are an interesting contradiction to the free tag. I think many people could tell different stories, and their own stories, from this piece. For me, it speaks of our wings being loosely bound but often by things we love. After all few of us can truly be happy winging our way through life without any connections to those around us. Even though a life without responsibility on the surface looks like freedom.
Thanks Judy, and LeAnn, I think you said it better than I could with words! Thank you for your eloquent comment!!
So inventive, I love that the wings have taken on a story of bursting forth to freedom, I know the script on the other side also speaks of the soul's soaring. We are bound by our bodies, by time and loving ties, but also free to love, think and dream. Gorgeous, and thanks so much for the gentle and kind words about my work. I'm happy the wings went home with you, they are now a complete story, your story! Lynn
Wire and wings You have such a very unique style I like how I can see the influences of people you say inspire you but yet you have made it all your own . Using all the natural stuff and figuring how to warp it is an art form. Loving it all!
Thanks so much Julie!!
absolutely delicious!!! i adorrrrrrrrrre the necklace!! amazing job Sharon!! moremoremore!!!
just a question for our swap: are you ok with religious images?? (madonas) tell me!!
that is a beautiful necklace! And the earrings!! Yummy.
And BTW, I think your charms are enchanting!!!
Such fun that you picked up the same chandelier crystals halfway around the world from me! We will have to share pictures - when we get around to those pieces.
Thank you sooooo much, Lilibulle and Renate!!! Yes Renate, I really think we are on the same wavelength!
Lilibulle, yes, I am ok with religious images! You are getting me more excited!
Sharon, I love this new necklace, but you always do a terrific job with the wire wrapping and the design. And with Lynn’s wings (I love her work), it is a great piece. Also all the LeAnn said, she wrote so well.
Thanks Debbie, I appreciate everyone's sincerity!
it's sublime !! wow !! incredible !
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