Just some peeks of things that I am working on. These pieces may not make it to the shop. I was asked to bring more jewelry to the lovely lady that sells my jewelry in her boutique, so I am getting ready for that. Also, another artist is in the process of purchasing some of my jewelry and having it sent off to another state to sell in her store. I am thrilled by all of it, and have been extremely creative, but I am missing paper art terribly. Yet every time I sit down to do it I feel so overwhelmed to make a mark that I just don't. I have so many supplies, and papers, and mediums that I can't pick one to work with. What is wrong?
Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance,, and as always for your help and kindness, and comments.
Wonderful pieces, Sharito! Love the top necklace!
Wishing you a wonderful Easter.
You will get back to paper art when your muse is ready. Just don't pressure yourself.
I never have any direction or know what to do, so I just crochet. It's the easiest thing to do at the moment. But I would like to get back to some paper crafting too. Your jewelry is gorgeous ! Best wishes for a great week ahead. Tammy
Hi Sharon,
beautiful pieces you are working on!!!How about you just start with backgrounds and take it from there?
Don't worry it will com to you.
Have a wonderful week.
Hi there, I am in the same boat sometimes. That's when I surround myself with my art supplies and take a lot of time, a cup of coffee, start small and something inspires and off I go. The inspiration will return, keep on...
Love your jewelry, by the way, and your art.
Dear Sharon,how wonderful with all the orders for shops- congratulations with that.I love your necklaces, sweet.
And dear, I too struggle with the same problem as you, sometimes-I really don`t know what to do,exept waiting--or maybe do as Christine,does...only it can be difficult finding the :"Lot of time".
Love and hugs.
well, i would like to do some jewelry! your creations are wonderful! i would like to try the metal etching.
for papercrafting, what i do is just start by making some backgrounds - collage some bookpaper, prints, etc, slather on some gesso, splash on some colors, do some stamping, etc.
Lovely necklace which is so attractive and Creative too.Good work.Well done.It's so pretty.
Oh, Sharon, I am so pleased for you that your jewelry is finding it's way to a new shop and that you are restocking another. That's wonderful. I think maybe jewelry is what you are supposed to be doing right now. Your paper art will happen when you are moved to do it. I think sometimes it's best just to go with what feels right at the time and not pressure yourself to do what you 'think' you should be doing. Maybe I should take my own advice :-)
dear sharon, most beautiful jewelry!
For your paper art, try not to set out to make something. Instead tell yourself you are going to play with your watercolor pencils, or try out 2 colors of paint, or lay down some paper in a journal as a background. Just start with something, anything! Your goal will be to make some sort of background with NO EXPECTATIONS! If you don't like it, toss it out and try something else. I believe once you start doing a bit of something, anything -crayons, stencils, images, text (any or all!) you will not fret about not doing anything anymore! It will come. Believe it! xoxoxo
beautiful piece Sharon!!
Glad to meet you, I'm in Penna too! I also have the same problem....started with papercrafts and now jewelry. I have tons of paper and mixed media stuff...and jewelry stuff. I belong to several swap groups and one keeps me going in my paper fetish, along with a crop or two a year. I try to incorporate my papers as a backdrop to my jewelry. Special packaging, tags, etc.
Love your jewelry by the way, and if you do any paper things, I am sure I will love it too! Let's see some....
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