I have been having fun working in my journal again, and am enjoying a new approach of less control......concentrating on feeling, emotion, and guts, and trying not to get caught up in the end result. It has been making me happy again, and I am thankful for that. It is hard for me to let go, and I still need to work on that a lot.
Thanks for taking a peek.
Sharon, that is so, so cool!
Absolutely beautiful, Sharon. I love the page with the woman with the bird in her hair. Your pen markings make it fantabulous!!!! xo lenna
Hi dear Sharon,-
so wonderful to see you play again in your journal, and the beautiful results, are so fantastic and so different.
Love them, sweet friend.
Great collaging, I can tell you're having fun.
xoxo Kim
wonderful! love it.
Gorgeous, Sharito. Letting go is difficult. Very.
Hi Sharon,
love your journal pages!!No.1 is absolutely beautiful.Have fun playing.
Wishing you a great weekend.
Sending hugs,
These pages reflect your happiness. Lovely.
Love what's coming out!
awesome pages, Sharon - i love your style!
Sharon, I'm enjoying seeing your latest work. I especially love the second piece - it is so full of emotion. That blue splatter has so much impact, combined with the beautiful image of the girl.
beautiful as always sharon!!the ssecondf picture is just magical! it looks like a digital art..
Wow your journals are fantastic.
So beautiful design. Love them.
I happen to LOVE the new direction your journaling is taking! Let Freedom Ring! Hugs, Terri xoxo
how I love your journaling...!
I badly needed some beautiful inspiration this morning. thank you. :)
Your pages are incredible Sharon! (And I recognize the number stamps :) You seem to be finding your way just as it was meant to be! x0 - Michelle
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