Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I was excited to find some time this weekend to make some cuffs that have been on my mind for a while now, and of course, I plan to make more. These are very addicting, they feel like painting with fabric and texture to me, and there is so much freedom of expression involved. The best part is that I finally made use of some of my most treasured vintage items....buttons, laces, and really exsquisite millinery flowers I nabbed a few weeks ago that I love most of all! There is lots of hand detailing in these pieces, oh, and vintage crystals and hand dyed cheesecloth! I hope to list them on etsy later, after the day job and this 3 day headache.
Hope your day is a great one, and thanks so much for visiting!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Friday, August 26, 2011


I am still working on jewelry for the showing, but just had to SQUEEZE in a journal spread....there is only so much a girl can take! As we all know, there is no stopping creativity. No mess here, no paints, pens, crayons...just glue and paper and I rather like the simplicity and the quietness of this.
Thanks to all for stopping by and visiting. I am especially sending out concern this morning to all my friends in the path of the storm Irene , be safe and I am thinking of all of you and hoping it passes with minimal damage.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I have been crazy busy getting ready for a presentation on Sunday, and in between I have been crazy tired! I wanted to give you a peek of the things I have been working on, and some of it may make it back to the shop next week. I tried to put together a nice mix of contemporary and vintage, and if you didn't notice(ha)....I even included a successful enameled bead with the personal help of Barbara Lewis....doll that she is....because enameling has been a bit of a challenge for me, but I think I am finally getting it! Enameling is top on the list to work on next week...I hope......ah, and to play with some paper too!
Thanks to all for stopping by, new followers, and wonderful comments that make my day special!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I have been spending a lot of time lately getting ready to take my jewelry to the boutique that buys it from me. I made a pair of these earrings a long time ago for me, and never made them again. I wear them at least once a week, and I really like them for many reasons, so I thought someone else may feel like I do, so I made another pair, and put them in my shop.

Thanks for looking and your wonderful comments!

Monday, August 15, 2011


As promised, here is the spread I made in my journal from the papers acquired from LaWendula's collage box project. I am happy with it, and it seemed to happen fairly easily. I always love when that happens, it is just meant to be then. I may at some point add words, or writing , but I just can't seem to accept yet that the written word can tell you more about me than what has already happened here in art form. Words always seem so inadequate to me in this process. They will never really say how I really feel. The feeling is what makes this art happen right here. It is so emotional to me.
A good thing is that I haven't used all 12 pieces so I get to do another! I really appreciate your sharing your comments and views with me. Thank you all so much for visiting.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


sneak peaks of my work

this is what I put in the box

this is what I took out

Some time ago I signed up for LaWendula's Collage Box project. It is a project that she loves to organize where the participants take 12 pcs (or more) of paper or items out of the box, and then replace the 12 or more pieces from their own stash. The box travels around the country and the world. You are asked to show a creation you made with the items you chose. Today I am showing a sneek peek of what I made, Tues. or Wed. I will show the finished product. I had the most wonderful time doing this, and it gave me great joy to share my things with others, and gave me such a wonderful feeling of unity , warmth, kindness, and friendship to accept items from others from all over the world. It is just enough to know that art unites us and brings us together. I have made some wonderful friends from blogging and brilliant ideas like these from other artists. Two and a half years ago I would have never dreamed of such a thing, now, it is at the very core of my existence. Visit LaWendula's blog here, and learn all about this unique individuals life , incredible artisity and creativity and the collage box . You can also sign up for her monthly paper swaps, another project not to be missed! Thank you so much FM!

Stop back tomorrow to see my creation! Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I have been having fun working in my journal again, and am enjoying a new approach of less control......concentrating on feeling, emotion, and guts, and trying not to get caught up in the end result. It has been making me happy again, and I am thankful for that. It is hard for me to let go, and I still need to work on that a lot.
Thanks for taking a peek.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Summer seems to have me moving at a much more slower and relaxed pace, and frankly I hope it lasts for a long time. I have been dabbling in all sorts of things again, and am enjoying myself and my creativity more. These earrings resulted from some leftover pieces of etchings and I really liked how they went together but were not exact. I love the richness and depth you can achieve from etching and oxidizing.
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and my advice would be to relax and take it easy, good things will happen! Thanks always for visiting!

Saturday, August 6, 2011


I signed up for Roben Marie's Mixed Media Mayhem class months ago, only to be set back by many other things going on. Finally , I started, and am thrilled. This is my first ever inky file folder. It is not the best, and I think a bit muddy, but overall I am very happy with the way it turned out. Roben's videos are unbelievably detailed, and so inspiring, and there are so many of them, all I can say is that is a remarkable workshop with everything she can teach in her method and style. A big fat WONDERFUL class!! What I love the most is that her method and approach is very liberating, freeing and uninhibited, and that is something that I need more of right now. And the best's messy and it's FUN!
Thanks for visiting and I hope you are a ll having a FUN weekend!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Tryst....just the word is so romantic, and so this necklace developed as I sat and looked at these vintage pieces I had. I love these keys, and I loooove the old vintage baubles, and I had to meld them into one. I loooove neutral, calm, subtle tones, tone on tone....they invoke such feeling in me. My heart races when I think about such simple little things, things that happen and that I don't need to work at. Timeworn and familiar and comfortable. I have been trying to follow that path.


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