Saturday, August 28, 2010


" Believe " is my zetti doll I made for a swap, and I am trying to take her advice. To everyone who stops by and reads my blog, and follows my trials and tribulations, some of you know I have been struggling with some health issues, and at this point it is still a mystery. You have all left the sweetest , kindest, and most encouraging words for me, and I am forever grateful.
Yesterday I had a lumbar puncture done (spinal tap). It was a big deal to me, and although it was not easy, and of course I had some complications, it was not as bad as I thought. The mental part of illness is the worst. The way it plays on your mind, and can literally devour you. And even though I don't know anything more than I did yesterday, and may not for some time, I have to try to find a way to fight depression, to try to be motivated, even when I am not. It is hard, and I am sure all of you have to deal with problems of some sort. Tell me how you do it, tell me your method. Maybe we can help each other.
Does darkness(as in nighttime, no daylight), make it worse for you? Do whole foods make it better, all natural, organic, meditation, reading......what is your way? I would love it if you would share with me.
Thank you again for visiting.


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